ladies salon in karama dubai

Royal Shahnaz is one of the leading beauty salons in Karama with a dedicated server. Our saloon consist of highly trained and friendly staffs, they will make to enrich your sense and distressed your mind, body and soul. We are well equipped with the latest technology and equipment. We have a separate section of the face and skin care, hair care, nail care, pedicure, manicure, body waxing and spa. Our welcoming atmosphere allows for everyone to feel at ease and ensure that they are able to relax and away from hustle and bustle of life.  

We have a wonderful range of hair treatments available using the natural organic blend of oil. We are one of the best hair salon in Dubai Our hair services including different style haircuts, hair colouring, rebounding, keratin treatments, Botox treatments, spa treatments, Perming etc... At first, we know your hair type and texture will cause you to filter out hair items and enable you to settle on the best decisions for the wellbeing of your hair while styling.  Body treatments are essentially better for your whole body and skin feeling smooth and soft. We will provide exclusive beauty packages in Dubai. The purpose of body treatment is to cleanse, exfoliate and hydrate the skin on your body as it is the skin of your face. Our special beauty packages, you can really feel pampered and revived. 

In the day to day living, we are really struggling with removing unwanted hair, it doesn’t need to be so challenging. Our therapist knows every trick of hair removals as pain-free as possible. We do all type of waxing using genuine and quality product of fruit waxes to feel you clear skin with least discomfort. Our nail services are most famous in Karama. We do all nail services like nail extension, nail art using genuine products and colour suitable for your nails.   We help to maintain the pristine look of your nails.


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